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About our Farm

Castle Creek Farm

For Such A Thyme As This!

A unique place to host your wedding, reception, and special events.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119: 105

Castle Creek Farm- If you look beyond the little stream and past the meadow pasture, far enough into the woods, just up a little hill, you just might find a delightful world where we call Castle Creek Farm. Where our horses and alpacas roam the pasture, and chickens roam the grounds. Where herbs and Lavender grow all around. Where imagination grows alongside our herbs, inspired by the beauty of nature that God created. Where the love of Jesus shines and has brought Joy and Peace that no words can describe.


Surrounded by the rolling hills and fertile farmlands of Central Pennsylvania is our small country business where we make farm fresh herbal products. We offer a variety of herbal dip mixes, which are specially blended and prepared in our country kitchen using our own recipes and the finest herbs.

Our Kitchen is state inspected and we are a member of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture program, Pa Preferred, offering Pennsylvania made products.

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Lavender Thyme Faire June 13-14

Lavender Harvest Days u-Pick  

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Castle Creek Farm Copyright ©2010

            We enjoy herbs, with all they do we find it is a continual learning experience. We would like to pass along some tidbits and experiences only to help others understand. We are not here to diagnosis or treat any disease, this information is only for educational purposes for living a natural life and maintaining good health, what you do with it is up to you. We can mot provide you with herb and or drug interaction. If you have any health condition we advise you to seek the help of a medical professional. There are wonderful doctors that are open to herbal treatments and also natural practitioners.        Be Wise and Live Naturallyl ~~ Gather information about what you are taking, like any drug, herbs can be toxic in the right dosage, so know what you are taking and why also it is important to know the correct amount for your body.        Thank you for your understanding.      Castle Creek Farm

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