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Bath and Body

Beautiful Handmade All-Natural Soap.

 Each has a fresh quality scent and long lasting suds. Makes a wonderful gift, or great for a drawer sachet. Comes in 13 long lasting scents to choose from. These soaps are gentle for sensitive skin and make great gifts for friends and family!

Large 8 ounce bars

All-Natural Linen and Body Sprays

are a great alternative to chemical sprays and body scents,  They can be used to spray on dryer balls, in the wash or dryer, sprayed on linens, closets or the bed, to freshen the air and  especially in hotels.  They can be used to spray on counter tops to help clean surfaces.  Our scents are so safe to use they make a refreshing spray for your body. Lavender is great to spritz on the 

pillow before you go to sleep to promote 

a more relaxing sleep. 

4 ounces 

Lavender All-Natural Linen & Body Spray

are a great alternative to chemical sprays and body scents, They can be used to spray on dryer balls, in the wash or dryer, sprayed on linens, closets or the bed, to freshen the air and especially in hotels. They can be used to spray on counter tops to help clean surfaces. Our scents are so safe to use they make a refreshing spray for your body. Lavender is great to spritz on the

pillow before you go to sleep to promote

a more relaxing sleep.

8 ounces 

All-Natural Herbal Salves, are a better alternative to harsher ointments that are commonly used. These slaves are all-natural and safer to use but gentler on the skin than other products.

 They are available in 6 varieties. They are made with essential oils and no artificial coloring or perfumes only all natural ingredients. This size is convenient to carry with you like in your purse or any other small space, so you can keep on hand when ever you may need them.

1 ounce

All-Purpose Healing Salve

Suggested usage: Cuts, Burns, Draws, Poison Ivy, Insect Bites & stings

Black Drawing Salve

This is an old time favorite and sometimes hard to find, Apply a small amount to boils, Splinters, glass slivers, or bumps on skin. May help to draw out toxins and impurities so skin can heal.

Calendula Soothing Salve

Calendula helps to lessen inflammation, antiseptic, astringent, antibacterial, helps heals wounds, Good for diaper rash and other rashes, very mild for gentle skin.

Lavender Dream Balm

A delightful scent of Lavender, Apply to forehead before drifting off to sleep, or during the day during moments of anxiety or stress.

Lavender Healing Salve

Cuts, Bruises, Bites, Stings, Scrapes, Minor Burns, Itchy and Dry Skin.

Pneumonia Salve

Take a deep breath and breath in the soothing scent of Menthol and Eucalyptus. Helps relieve nasal congestion due to colds, flu, upper respiratory allergies. Also can be used as a soothing headache balm.

Sunburn Soothing Salve

For the days you spend too much time in the sun and need a little relief. Apply to sunburned areas to help moisten skin and sooth skin.

All-Natural Herbal Deodorants are a

 better alternative to harsher products. 

We only use a few ingredients for our deodorants and no aluminum .

They are available in 7 varieties

All-Natural Lavender Shower Spray

This is a great spray to use in the shower. The refreshing scent of Eucalyptus and 

other essential Oils, helps to open up your airway to breath easier.  Good to keep on hand and use during the cold and flu season.  Spray in the room to help disinfect the air.  Can be sprayed on the pillow to help promote before sleep

8 ounces 

Lavender Hot Flashes Spray- Use as a body spray to help cool down on hot summer days, or when you feel over heated during your own "Personal Summer"

4 ounces

Fractionated Coconut Oil - 4 ounces

Simple colorless, odorless, stain-free carrier oil. comes from solid coconut oil from the Cocos Nucifera seed that has been physically processed to separate it into different fractions. The solid portion is further divided into specific saturated fats like lauric acid; the liquid portion is fractionated coconut oil. The fractionation process naturally deodorizes the oil. Fractionated coconut oil is composed primarily of medium-chain triglycerides, known as MCT in the cosmetic and supplement industries. It stays liquid at room temperature, is clear, and is shelf stable for use in creams, lotions, and many other cosmetic preparations. It quickly absorbs into the skin and acts as an effective carrier for other topical applications - hence why many natural health professionals use it as a carrier oil for essential oils. .

Experience the essence of herbs through Oils. Discover the many uses and benefits of using All Natural Pure Essential Oil. Featuring our own Essentials Oils

15 ml

Experience the essence of herbs through Oils. Discover the many uses and benefits of using All Natural Pure Essential Oil. Featuring our own Essentials Oils

15 ml

Experience the essence of herbs through Oils. Discover the many uses and benefits of using All Natural Pure Essential Oil. Featuring our own Essentials Oils

15 ml 

Experience the essence of herbs through Oils. Discover the many uses and benefits of using All Natural Pure Essential Oil. Featuring our own Essentials Oils

15 ml

Dilution Guidelines-

*0.5%= 3 drops per ounce (sensitive skin, emotional purposes (uplifting))

*1%= 6 drops per ounce (recommended for children, skin care)

*2%=12 drops per ounce (massage, body lotion)

*3%=18 drops per ounce (massage, body lotion)

Castle Creek Farm Essential Oils

*The Highest Quality in the World. Guaranteed.

*Imported from over 30 countries worldwide.

*3rd party tested against Stringent International Standards.

*Gas Chromatography and MSDS Charts Available.

*No memberships--You will never be made to buy

more than you need. 

You only order the oils you need when you need them.

Our Essential Oils are now coming in from over 30 different countries, where they have been tested, and tried to the most stringent of international standards to insure their purity. They offer Gas Chromatography charts showing how the lab testing was done, and Material Safety and Data Sheets for every oil as well explaining their proper storage and use guidelines.

We are dedicated to finding growers and labs throughout the world that specialize in producing and testing the best Essential Oils of their kind. One thing to remember is no one grower can produce every type of Essential Oil needed. Due to the difference in temperature, climate, elevation, wind patterns, and water availability; each country, state, and even small region produces different results when it comes to Essential Oils.

We ensure the quality of our products. All of our Essential Oils and Blends are guaranteed to be Medical Grade 100% Pure and Chemical and Pesticide Free

Castle Creek Farm Copyright ©2010

            We enjoy herbs, with all they do we find it is a continual learning experience. We would like to pass along some tidbits and experiences only to help others understand. We are not here to diagnosis or treat any disease, this information is only for educational purposes for living a natural life and maintaining good health, what you do with it is up to you. We can mot provide you with herb and or drug interaction. If you have any health condition we advise you to seek the help of a medical professional. There are wonderful doctors that are open to herbal treatments and also natural practitioners.        Be Wise and Live Naturallyl ~~ Gather information about what you are taking, like any drug, herbs can be toxic in the right dosage, so know what you are taking and why also it is important to know the correct amount for your body.        Thank you for your understanding.      Castle Creek Farm

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